
Welcome to Teacher Nor Hidayah's Blog.
Lets experience a fun & simple way to learn English.
Have fun!

Monday 3 December 2012

2 Minutes Mug Brownie

2 Minutes Mug Brownie
You just need 2 minutes.  1 minute to mix the ingredient. Another minute to bake it.

1/4 cawan tepung
1/4 cawan gula perang
2 sudu serbuk koko
secubit garam
2 sudu minyak sayuran (minyak jagung/mazola/yg seumpamanya)
2 sudu susu atau air kopi atau air suam

Dalam cawan yang boleh digunakan untuk microwave, masukkan bahan-bahan kering dan kacau guna garpu.
Masukkan minyak dan susu (atau air kopi atau air suam). Kacau sebati.
Masukkan dalam microwave. Set "high" untuk 60 saat.
Lepas 30 atau 40 saat check dulu. Mungkin dah masak (bergantung pada microwave) tapi selalunya 60 saat dah ok dan garing sket atasnya.
Keluarkan. Boleh la makan.
Nak lagi best, letak  1 scoop aiskrim vanilla.  Mmm.... yummy....

Kalau suka, taburkan chocolate chips atas adunan sebelum bakar dlm microwave. Yummyyy.....

Monday 19 November 2012

Paper Boy Terrorized by a Goat

Paper boy terrorized by a goat

By: David Strege

Saturday, November 17, 2012 11:52am PST

Jaxon Gessel was riding his bike on his usual paper route in Smithfield, Utah, when he caught something out of the corner of his eye approaching him. Initially, he thought it was a dog--until it head-butted him off the bike, tackled him and eventually forced him up a tree. Turns out, the terrorizing creature was Voldemort--the goat, not the infamous Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter fame. Nevertheless, it was a scary encounter, and NBC News tells the story: 

As the owner of the goat reveals, Voldemort is a nice and gentle goat that got loose from its chain. How gentle? Marissa Benson told the Deseret News that Voldemort is narcoleptic and will fall asleep when scared. 

"He's really happy and plays with kids," Benson told the Deseret News. "I've never had him chase my kids."

Nevertheless, in the early morning darkness, Voldemort chased down the 14-year-old Gessel, who was used to dealing with dogs but not attacking goats.

"It made a weird noise, kind of like a grunting noise," Gessel said. "I'm like, 'What the heck is that?'"

Then Gessel was head-butted off his bike. He tried getting away but the goat tackled him.

"It just freaked me out when it stood up on its hind legs and just wrapped its front legs around me and pulled me off," Gessel said.

To escape, Gessel climbed a tree. Whenever he thought it was safe to climb down, the goat would chase him back up to the tree, where he stayed for about an hour until two little girls walked by. 

Not wanting the goat to harm the girls, who were freaking out, Gessel climbed down the tree and managed to chase the goat away.

In the meantime, Gessel's parents had called police because their son was 90 minutes late getting home. 

Smithfield police officer Brandon Muir arrived on the scene. He told the Deseret News that the goat was over friendly and had jumped on him a few times, too.

The goat and Gessel both returned to their respective home no worse for wear, except for Gessel becoming a target for teasing from classmates.

"Everybody, they're all, 'Hey, goat boy!' I'm like, 'Hey, guys,'" Gessel said.

"People are just like, 'Why are you scared of goats?' I'm like that was a freaky goat. I think it's like possessed or something."

By the look of the photo, who could argue?

Sunday 18 November 2012

8 Tips To Improve Your English

8 Tips To Improve Your English

1.  Get a good English-B. Malaysia dictionary. This will be very helpful to you along your journey to learn English.

2.  Read English storybook. At least one book a week.  Get ready with dictionary whenever you read your book.  Every time you stuck with any word that you do not understand, look up the dictionary.

3. Listen to English song.  Find the lyric from internet.  Translate the lyric. Use dictionary if you can't understand any word.

4.  Speak English with your friends.  Don't be ashamed if you speak broken English because it is a learning curve.  Everybody start with not knowing, after continuous learning then you will be fluent with it.

5.  Listen to English radio station, watch English program at television. You can learn how people speak in English.  Write down any sentence that you like, so that you can remember.  You can use any sentence that you hear, in your conversation with friends.

6.  Sing and speak to yourself in English.  You can be a bathroom singer.  You can speak to yourself when arranging furniture in your house or while cooking by talking to yourself which recipe that you will cook today etc.

7.  Write a short synopsis of books (English or B. Malaysia) that you read.  Make it around 150 words.  Use dictionary if need be.  Let your friend read your synopsis and get their comments.  You can improve your writing along the way.

8.  Listen, Read, Speak & Write. Listen, Read, Speak & Write.  Do this circle constantly. You will have fun along the way and your English will be improved.

Have fun Learning English!

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Lawyer oh Lawyer

In a murder trial, the defense attorney was cross-examining the coroner:

Lawyer : Before you signed the death certificate, had you taken the pulse?

Coroner: No.

Lawyer: Did you listen to the heart?

Coroner: No.

Lawyer: Did you check for breathing?

Coroner: No.

Lawyer: So, when you signed the death certificate, you weren't sure the man was dead, were you?

Coroner: Well, let me put it this way. The man's brain was sitting in a jar on my desk. But I guess it's possible he could be out there practicing law somewhere.